Adopt a Seal

A$85.00 every 12 months

Keep it Real with a Seal and make a difference helping to conserve and protect Australia’s amazing marine mammals for future generations to enjoy!

The population structure and ecology of the Port Phillip Bay and the Gippsland Lakes Australian & long-nosed fur seals is largely unknown, with seal studies primarily focusing on populations surrounding Phillip Island (Seal Rocks) and the various Bass Strait islands. It is therefore unknown how large the population is, whether the population is increasing/decreasing, whether the population is made up of the same resident seals or transient seals, or how their social structure works.

The seals are subject to numerous threats, such as entanglements from fishing lines, impacts from rubbish and plastics, boating impacts and other human induced threats. MMF is working with government organisation to better understand and protect the seals, conducting crucial science which underpins management. Your support helps us conduct this critical research.

Your Keep it Real with a Seal Adoption package includes:

  • MMF Keep it Real with a Seal Adoption Certificate.

  • MMF Membership (annual subscription).

  • Information about seals in the region.

  • Updates on MMF seal research.

  • Marine Mammal Information Sheets.

  • MMF Cap.

  • MMF Eco-mug.

  • MMF reusable bag.

  • eNewsletter updates on MMFs endeavours.

  • Invitations to MMF Members events.

MMF is a small not-for-profit ACNC Registered Charity organisation…you can rest assured knowing that every contribution to MMF goes a long way to achieving our big mission!

If this is for a gift , please be sure to make a note of the adoptees name on check-out so we can personalise the certificate.

Due to Australia Post delays we cannot guarantee a specific delivery time.
