Log a Sighting

TrakMM is a MMF initiative that allows the community using the waterways to log sightings of marine mammals

We acknowledge that our researchers cannot be on the water all the time so with the community’s help in logging sightings, researchers can formally record those sightings and assess areas of significance for marine mammals.

Log your sighting below or if you’re on socials you can join our Facebook Group Dolphin & Whale Spotting Victoria page to report sightings for the whole community to enjoy!

If you need help with identifying the animals you’ve spotted, check out the gallery at the bottom of this page for marine mammal species that are commonly found in Victorian waters, or see the ‘Marine Mammals’ tab for more detailed descriptions.

Please note that marine mammals are protected and specific approach distances are in place to ensure our marine mammals’ (and your own) safety. See MMF’s Conservation page for specific regulations.

At this time, we are not able to accept images through our web platform, but if you have images you would like to submit for research purposes, please send them through to sightings@marinemammal.org.au with your name and sighting details.

In Victoria, if you see a sick or deceased dolphin please report it immediately to the Whale and Dolphin Emergency Hotline on 1300 136 017.

Enter your sightings here: